bury: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (ber'ē), [key]
— v., n., pl. bur•ied, bur•y•ing, bur•ies.
  1. to put in the ground and cover with earth: The pirates buried the chest on the island.
  2. to put (a corpse) in the ground or a vault, or into the sea, often with ceremony: They buried the sailor with full military honors.
  3. to plunge in deeply; cause to sink in: to bury an arrow in a target.
  4. to cover in order to conceal from sight: She buried the card in the deck.
  5. to immerse (oneself&hasp;): He buried himself in his work.
  6. to put out of one's mind: to bury an insult.
  7. to consign to obscurity; cause to appear insignificant by assigning to an unimportant location, position, etc.: Her name was buried in small print at the end of the book.
  8. to avoid reality; ignore the facts of a situation: You cannot continue to bury your head in the sand—you must learn to face facts.
  9. to become reconciled or reunited.
  1. housing (def. 8a, b).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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