click: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (klik), [key]
— n.
  1. a slight, sharp sound: At the click of the latch, the dog barked.
  2. a small device for preventing backward movement of a mechanism, as a detent or pawl.
  3. any one of a variety of ingressive, usually implosive, speech sounds, phonemic in some languages, produced by suction occlusion and plosive or affricative release.
  4. any one of a variety of familiar sounds used in calling or urging on horses or other animals, in expressing reprimand or sympathy, or produced in audible kissing.
  1. to emit or make a slight, sharp sound, or series of such sounds, as by the cocking of a pistol: The door clicked shut.
  2. If the play clicks, the producer will be rich.
    1. to succeed; make a hit:If the play clicks, the producer will be rich.
    2. to fit together; function well together:They get along in public, but their personalities don't really click.
    3. to become intelligible.
  3. to depress and release a mouse button rapidly, as to select an icon.
  1. to cause to click.
  2. to strike together with a click: He clicked his heels and saluted.


Pronunciation: (klik), [key]
— n. Slang.
  1. a kilometer.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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