crosscut: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (krôs'kut", kros'-), [key]
— adj., n., v., -cut, -cut•ting.
  1. made or used for cutting crosswise.
  2. cut across the grain or on the bias.
  1. a transverse cut or course.
  2. a shortcut by way of an area not ordinarily traversed, as grass or open country; a route that cuts diagonally across a road or path network.
  3. an underground passageway, usually from a shaft to a vein of ore or crosswise of a vein of ore.
  4. an act or instance of crosscutting.
  5. a crosscut saw.
  1. to cut or go across.
  2. to insert into a scene or sequence (portions of another scene), as to heighten suspense or suggest simultaneous action.
  1. to employ the technique of crosscutting.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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