distemper: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (dis-tem'pur), [key]
— n.
    1. Also calledcanine distemper.an infectious disease chiefly of young dogs, caused by an unidentified virus and characterized by lethargy, fever, catarrh, photophobia, and vomiting.
    2. Also calledcolt distemper,equine distemper,strangles.an infectious disease of horses, caused by the bacillus Streptococcus equi and characterized by catarrh of the upper air passages and the formation of pus in the submaxillary and other lymphatic glands.
    3. Also calledcat distemper,feline agranulocytosis,feline distemper,feline infectious enteritis,feline panleukopenia.a usually fatal viral disease of cats, characterized by fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, leading to severe dehydration.
  1. a deranged condition of mind or body; a disorder or disease: a feverish distemper.
  2. disorder or disturbance, esp. of a political nature.
  1. to derange physically or mentally.


Pronunciation: (dis-tem'pur), [key]
— n.
    1. a technique of decorative painting in which glue or gum is used as a binder or medium to achieve a mat surface and rapid drying.
    2. (formerly) the tempera technique.
  1. a painting executed by this method.
  2. whitewash; calcimine.
  1. to paint in distemper.
  2. to whitewash a wall, cottage, etc.; calcimine.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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