gum: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (gum), [key]
— n., v., gummed, gum•ming.
  1. any of various viscid, amorphous exudations from plants, hardening on exposure to air and soluble in or forming a viscid mass with water.
  2. any of various similar exudations, as resin.
  3. a preparation of such a substance, as for use in the arts or bookbinding.
  4. See
  5. mucilage; glue.
  6. rubber (def. 1).
  7. See
  8. the adhesive by which a postage stamp is affixed. Cf. o.g. (def. 1).
  9. a rubber overshoe or boot.
  1. to smear, stiffen, or stick together with gum.
  2. to clog with or as if with some gummy substance.
  1. to exude or form gum.
  2. to become gummy.
  3. to become clogged with a gummy substance.
  4. to spoil or ruin.
  5. See(def. 14).


Pronunciation: (gum), [key]
— n., v., gummed, gum•ming.
  1. Often,Also calledthe firm, fleshy tissue covering the alveolar parts of either jaw and enveloping the necks of the teeth.
  2. to talk excessively or ineffectively.
  1. to masticate (food) with the gums instead of teeth.
  2. to shape or renew the teeth of (a saw), as by grinding.


Pronunciation: (gum), [key]
— by gum,
  1. (used as a mild oath).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
See also:
  • gum (Thesaurus)