rare: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (râr), [key]
— rar•er, rar•est.
  1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.
  2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated: Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.
  3. having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense: rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.
  4. unusually great: a rare display of courage.
  5. unusually excellent; admirable; fine: She showed rare tact in inviting them.


Pronunciation: (râr), [key]
— rar•er, rar•est.
  1. (of meat) cooked just slightly: He likes his steak rare.


Pronunciation: (râr), [key]
— rared, rar•ing.
  1. rear (def. 6).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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