tall: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (tôl), [key]
— adj., adv. -er, -est,
  1. having a relatively great height; of more than average stature: a tall woman; tall grass.
  2. having stature or height as specified: a man six feet tall.
  3. large in amount or degree; considerable: a tall price; Swinging that deal is a tall order.
  4. extravagant; difficult to believe: a tall tale.
  5. high-flown; grandiloquent: He engages in so much tall talk, one never really knows what he's saying.
  6. having more than usual length; long and relatively narrow: He carried a tall walking stick.
  7. valiant.
    1. seemly; proper.
    2. fine; handsome.
  1. in a proud, confident, or erect manner: to stand tall; to walk tall.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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